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Angelus Paint 香港 **唯一受權代理公司**
Angelus Paint Hong Kong Distributor
當完成Angelus paint 後,就可以使用定色劑ACRYLIC FINISHER,可幫助防止輕微劃傷
Angelus paint。
-Matte - 啞光 (No. 620)
-Satin - 磨砂 (No. 605)
- Normal - 光面 (No. 600)
- High Gloss - 光澤度最高 (No. 610)
4層耐刮 全啞定色 1oz 4-Coat - Flat 1 Oz.
4層耐刮 半光啞面定色 1oz 4-Coat - Matte 1 Oz.
4層耐刮 中光面定色 1oz 4-Coat - Satin 1 Oz.
4層耐刮 高光面定色 1oz 4-Coat - High Gloss 1 Oz.
Angelus 4 層塗層是市場上最耐用、靈活和耐刮擦的透明塗層。這款基於聚氨酯的面漆可以承受大多數划痕和刮擦,幫助您的項目保持最佳狀態!如果應用得當,
1. High Gloss 4-Coat 將呈現極其光澤的飾面,接近“漆皮”外觀!
2. Satin 4-Coat 將留下漂亮的“原廠”表面。不會太亮,也不會太啞光!
3. Flat 4-Coat 會留下極其暗淡的表面,幾乎沒有光澤。
4. Matt-4-Coat 合適不喜歡完全啞面的半光啞效果
如果使用的是磨砂系時,用前一定要搖動瓶子 (搖晃至少一整分鐘)。
DULLER 可以使定色帶有啞身的感範。建議加入DULLER 不超過0.5OZ 在整支4OZ的定色內。
After using Angelus Leather Acrylic Paint, apply Angelus Acrylic Finisher to your customized sneakers to help protect the paint from minor scratches/scrapes. Available in a variety of finishes from Matte, all the way up to High Gloss.
From least amount of shine to highest:
-Matte - Lower Sheen Semi-Gloss
-Satin - New Shoe Glossy
-Normal - Glossy
-High Gloss - Highest Gloss
If using Matte Finisher, be sure to shake the bottle very well before use (shake for at least one whole minute).
Duller may be added to each finisher for a more Matte shine. We do not recommend adding more than 0.5 oz of duller to a 4 oz. bottle of finisher.